Arecont Vision Megapixel Cameras Watch Luxury Cars Around The Clock At Orlando Infiniti

Orlando Infiniti turned to United Security Alliance, Inc., a nationwide integrator of video surveillance and access control systems founded in 1985. United Security Alliance recommended Arecont Vision megapixel IP network video cameras for the installation, and Orlando Infiniti relied completely on the integrator’s professional recommendation.

United Security Alliance installed sixteen Arecont Vision Model AV2155DN 2 megapixel all-in-one MegaDome® cameras outside the dealership and fifteen Model AV1355 1.3 megapixel all-in-one domes on the inside. Arecont Vision megapixel IP cameras were chosen because fewer cameras could be used to provide optimal coverage with higher resolution for superior picture quality and better results in conjunction with after-hours video monitoring and forensics. United Security Alliance’s service and installation technicians are trained and certified by Arecont Vision.